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CAD tip CAD tip # 4031:

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How to suppress units (kg/lb) in a PartsList?

A - answer Column formatting (incl. physical units) in a part list table is included in Style settings.

If you want to edit an existing parts list, right-click on it and choose Edit PartsList... from the context menu. In the PartsList dialog then right-click on the respective column (e.g. Mass) and choose Format column.... On the 'Column format' tab switch on the 'Apply Units Formatting' option and uncheck the 'Display Unit Type' checkbox.

100% *  CAD 
22.9.2004    7318×  
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applies to: Inventor 9 ·

See also:
Tip 14117:Recoloring of Inventor assembly parts - random, by material, by mass or other property (T4I)
Tip 13997:4 methods of 3D orbit in Inventor, with specified pivot.
Tip 13965:Total length of sweeps in Inventor - wires, pipes, trusses, tubes, hoses (iLogic)
Tip 13920:Saving your Inventor model in the presentation color scheme (iLogic).
Tip 13917:Check for concurrently running named licenses (device limit).

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