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Setting pagesetup (printer) for multiple layouts.

A - answer If you want to assign page setup settings (_pagesetup) or reassign a printer for multiple layout tabs, you can use a short LISP utility multi-pagesetup. It can solve the problem of missing -PAGESETUP command and allows to control page setups from a script.

Just load the routine (_APPLOAD command) and run it using:

(multi-pagesetup "mypagesetup" "myprinter")
To assign the setup only to the selected layouts, replace in the code the function (layoutlist) with a list of requested layouts - e.g. '("Layout8" "Layout9" "Layout10") .

For download at multi-pagesetup.lsp.

100% *  CAD 
6.3.2006    26052×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 9331:What is contextual field and why it is not updated in a block?
Tip 9147:Batch publishing to PDF uses different margins than single prints.
Tip 8788:Batch unification of page setups in DWG files.
Tip 8713:How to transfer page setup from another DWG drawing?
Tip 8580:Localization of Autodesk 2013 products using "Language Packs".

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