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CAD tip CAD tip # 13358:

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Restore the last deleted entity in the DWG.

A - answer You can restore accidentally deleted objects in an AutoCAD DWG drawing by using the OOPS command. Entities deleted by the last ERASE command will be restored, regardless of how many other commands and steps have been executed in the drawing since the deletion.

This command is useful when you cannot go back with the UNDO command. For example, you have been inserting new blocks, dimensioning and drafting after those deletes and you obviously don't want to lose that work. The Oops command brings objects "back to life" even if they are lying in layers that have been frozen in the meantime.

The Oops command cannot undo multiple separate deletions (it does not keep history steps), nor can it restore objects deleted as a side-effect inside other commands - e.g., Sweep, Mirror, etc.

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3.6.2022    18771×  

See also:
Tip 7502:How to skip steps in the UNDO/REDO history?

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