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Over 1.065.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Updated Color converter, new Scale converter and Random number generator. New AutoCAD 2025 commands and variables. Learn about twiGIS.

CAD Tips and Tricks for Autodesk applications

In this database (blog) you can find small tips, hints and tricks which - as we hope - help you to use Autodesk and Holixa products more efficiently. ARKANCE (in Czechia - former CAD Studio) is a worldwide Autodesk Platinum Partner, Developer and Training Center since 1990. See also our custom CAD application development.

571 tips containing
'scale variable'

CAD:    OS:    Categ: 
Text:  FAQ glossary   
You can limit the number of answers by specifying product in the field CAD
CAD Catalog 26 blocks in the scale variable CAD library
Question CAD 
 %  platform  category 
Q - question

How to change scale of a dashed line?

A - answer see answer   Tip 863
90% *  CAD 
8.1.2001   FAQ  
Q - question

How to get/set AutoCAD Mechanical scale in a program or script?

A - answer see answer   Tip 4820
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Why are complex linetypes scaled properly only in the modelspace and not in the paperspace/layouts?

A - answer see answer   Tip 1041
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Random scatter of AutoCAD drawing objects - SCATTER.

A - answer see answer   Tip 9042
90% *  CAD 
20.1.2013   FAQ  
Q - question

Why does AutoCAD insert my blocks in wrong scale?

A - answer see answer   Tip 4581
90% *  CAD 
16.8.2005   FAQ  
Q - question

Shorter DWGs - I have a multi-megabyte drawing with 'almost nothing' drawn in it.

A - answer see answer   Tip 3649
90% *  CAD 
8.3.2004   FAQ  
Q - question

How to export a drawing to EPS format (e.g. for DTP)?

A - answer see answer   Tip 1784
90% *  CAD 
3.12.2001   FAQ  
Q - question

How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?

A - answer see answer   Tip 14039
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

SelectSimilar - extended selections for AutoCAD, incl. LT and Web versions

A - answer see answer   Tip 13878
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Zoom on predefined annotation scales.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13437
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Use of alternative units for arithmetic in dimensions (without square brackets).

A - answer see answer   Tip 13426
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

AutoCAD will not create a specific hatch in a given scale or area.

A - answer see answer   Tip 11538
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Iterative Move, Scale and Rotate - till boundary touch.

A - answer see answer   Tip 11295
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Justified attribute text in mirrored blocks (AutoCAD)

A - answer see answer   Tip 11198
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Dynamic linetype scaling by mouse dragging.

A - answer see answer   Tip 10855
90% *  CAD 
Page 1 of 39

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