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CAD tip CAD tip # 13571:

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Web application (FormIt, Fusion, AutoCAD...) is displayed distorted, with incomplete UI controls.

A - answer Opening a web application does not display its full UI, some UI elements are missing, displayed incompletely or cropped.

A web application, such as FormIt web app, the Fusion 360 web app, AutoCAD web app, Vault thin client, Autodesk Viewer (LMV) or Autodesk Construction Cloud (BIM360) CDE tools, are essentially web pages, with graphical elements maintained in your web browser's local cache. If this cache becomes corrupted or partially deleted, the application environment may temporarily appear distorted.

Therefore you need to perform a full cache refresh on the respective web page/app. Press Ctrl+F5, or open you page/app in a different web browser, or in the Private mode of your web browser. To fully refresh the cache e.g. in Google Chrome or in MS Edge, enable the Developer mode by pressing F12, right-click on the icon (circular arrow) of a page refresh near the address line and from the context menu choose "Empty Cache and Hard Reload" resp. "Empty cache and hard refresh". Then disable the Developer mode again by pressing F12.

Now the application environment should be refreshed.

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9.12.2022    23589×  
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applies to: Fusion 360 360 · FormIt · AutoCAD · BIM360 · ACC · Vault ·

See also:
Tip 14110:Comparison of speed and CPU core usage in CAM operations of commercial and non-commercial versions of Autodesk Fusion.
Tip 13735:My initial login to Fusion 360 isn't working.
Tip 9156:I have enabled saving to cloud but my newly saved DWG is not in the cloud.

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