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CAD tip CAD tip # 14033:

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Clipping blocks, images, curves, xrefs - everything, into any shape

A - answer The standard functions for clipping DWG geometry to a specific shape have a number of limitations. However, you can clip a view of any type of DWG geometry using the paper space - into any shape, not just rectangles (circles, ellipses, splines, islands).

You can use two methods:

  1. The command VPCLIP with the Polygon option, where you can then draw any shape of boundary curve to clip your drawing (model).
  2. The command MVIEW with the Object option, where you can convert any closed geometry into a boundary clipping object.

If you don't want to plot the clipping curve, place the viewport on a non-plotting layer (see layer properties).

Both methods are illustrated in the video:

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18.2.2024    48984×  

See also:
Tip 14088:3 methods of creating true rectangles in AutoCAD.
Tip 14072:How to import an STL, OBJ or 3DS file to an AutoCAD 3D model?
Tip 14061:Animated drawing of geometry in AutoCAD.
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?
Tip 14017:Voronoi diagrams in AutoCAD.

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