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All-white display of a 3D model in AutoCAD realistic view.

A - answer Is it possible to set the color of object's surface (e.g. cube) to full white in the realistic display mode? And also for printing?

The realistic display of 3D models uses lighting, so for all-white (unshaded) display, it is necessary to either illuminate the scene properly or assign a luminous (self-illuminated) material to the model. In the material editor, start with the material of a switched-on LED diode, change its color to white, increase its luminosity and reflectivity - then the cube with this material will be displayed as follows (edge highlighting switched on):

colour white print full rendering

colors material luminous illuminate

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See also:
Tip 14063:How to get week day and week number from a given date.
Tip 14006:Universal MsgBox in AutoLISP.
Tip 13933:How to set grid colors in AutoCAD Web?
Tip 13716:HYPERLIST - list of all used URLs.
Tip 13706:Visual style Sketchy with colored edges.

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