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DWG drawing version history directly in AutoCAD.

A - answer As of release 2021, AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT offer the "DWG History" feature, which provides an overview of older versions of the current DWG file, including their authors, and allows you to visually compare them with each other. You can find this feature in the ribbon View > History > DWG History or in the command DWGHISTORY.

As a prerequisite, the DWG file must be saved and then opened directly in one of the shared cloud repositories that support versioning of saved documents - Dropbox, Box or Microsoft OneDrive. Autodesk'a own cloud services then offer their own, more advanced versioning.

The function opens the DWG HISTORY palette for such shared DWG files, where you can see an overview of the individual saved versions, their authors, and the time and date they were saved - You can filter the version overview palette view by date or bz author. The icon Compare on each version row compares the version with the current (open) state of the DWG drawing (color distinguishes added and removed objects).

Expect a slight delay in the inclusion of a new version in the version overview, due to cloud synchronization performed in the background (a feature of each cloud repository).
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4.9.2022    36588×  

See also:
Tip 13402:Which products and features can I use for free with Flex Token licensing?
Tip 13358:Restore the last deleted entity in the DWG.
Tip 12546:How to renumber handles of selected DWG entities?
Tip 11845:What is the difference between ShareDesignView (2017) and ShareView (2019) in AutoCAD?
Tip 11017:How to select a DWG object by its internal ID, its "handle"?

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