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How to fillet edges between two 3D solids?

A - answer How to fillet a touching edge (intersection line) between two 3D solid bodies? The standard command FILLET can fillet an edge of a single solid but not an intersection edge between solids.

Before filleting, you need to union both solids into one - with the command UNION.

Then you can use the FILLET command - select the unioned solid through the edge you want to fillet and specify the fillet radius.

filet, rádius

Another option is to use the FILLETEDGE command available since version 2011 - here you can again just select the edge or loop to fillet and specify the radius:

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See also:
Tip 13040:iLogic - display information about complexity of an Inventor part.
Tip 12782:How to insert a character in Kanji or Pinyin into Fusion 360?
Tip 12248:How to remove fillet or chamfer from a 3D solid?
Tip 12046:Random shape and appearance of an Inventor part or assembly.
Tip 10167:Keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.

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