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Where can I find my current menu and other user files in AutoCAD 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009?

A - answer All user files (like .MNU/.MNS files, ACAD.PGP/ACLT.PGP/ACADLT.PGP, ACAD.LIN, ACAD.PAT, ACADISO versions, .SHX shapes, etc.) are now - compliant with the Windows XP/Vista certification - stored in subfolders of the "Documents and Settings" folder (or "Users"..."Roaming" in Vista). Please note the folders may be hidden by default. Your current path to user files of roamable profile is stored in the AutoCAD variable ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX.

See also the menu item: Tools - Customize - Edit custom files

You can also use the LISP function (findfile) to locate support files - try e.g. the command:

(findfile "ACAD.PAT")
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See also:
Tip 10596:Changing colors of the Inventor color schemes (UI).
Tip 10426:How to display any web page in Inventor?
Tip 9305:Problem inserting the current version of a component from Content Center.
Tip 8921:How to terminate Autodesk Sync (AdSync.exe)?
Tip 8303:Hanging Revit "splash screen" window - SECSplashWnd.

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