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CAD tip CAD tip # 3227:

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Increase quality of the printed/plotted OLE objects.

A - answer You have a Word document, Excel sheet or other OLE object embedded in your DWG drawing but its print quality is bad.

There are two places where you can set the quality of printed or plotted OLE objects:

  1. Per-printer: Plot dialog (.PC3 editor) - Device properties, Document and Device settings, Graphics, Raster Graphics
  2. Per-object: Object properties - either globally for new OLE objects in Options, Plotting tab (equivalent to OLEQUALITY system variable) or individually in Object properties (right-click on an inserted OLE object)
Please note that the default values are set to fairly low print quality.

The OLESTARTUP setting can also influence the print quality.

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See also:
Tip 7678:Converting raster image to a matrix of pixels inside the DWG.
Tip 6304:How to insert a live-updated XLS table in an AutoCAD drawing?
Tip 5535:An effective way to bind raster images inside DWG files.
Tip 5010:Attaching a voice message to a DWG drawing.
Tip 4718:Arc text in AutoCAD LT.

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