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CAD tip CAD tip # 5767:

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Broken "exploded" hatch.

A - answer Complex hatch patterns (like wood, grain, gravel, etc.) may appear "exploded" (scattered lines over each other, parts missing) and do not display and plot properly.

The problem is that your hatch origin is probably too far from the 0,0 origin of the current coordinate system and the hatchure suffers from numerical instability. Switch to a local UCS and set its origin closer to the hatched entity (objects).

You can even fix the existing patterns by assigning the UCS (as described above), enter the HATCHEDIT command (or couble-click on the existing pattern), and when the BHatch dialog appears - simply click the OK button, and the existing hatch pattern will be fixed - no need to rehatch anything!

(thanks MurrayC for the comment)

100% *  CAD 
27.9.2007    18658×  
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See also:
Tip 12766:Lines with a single grip, incorrect osnaps, intersections, offsets, hatches - CheckLarge
Tip 12429:HatchOverlap - check for any overlapping hatches in a DWG
Tip 11751:toMulti converts polylines to multi-lines driven by a definition table.
Tip 8177:How to convert an existing hatch to associative?
Tip 7511:How to switch off hatch previews in AutoCAD 2011? (faster hatch)

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