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Display K-Factor in drawing views of bent sheetmetal.

A - answer In the drawings of unfolded sheetmetal models (parts) you can use the values of used K-Factors (bend parameters).

From the "Drawing annotation" panel run the Bend Notes function and insert a bend note. Now double-click on this note (or right-click and choose "Edit bend note") and in the "Edit bend note" dialog, use the fourth icon to insert the K-Factor value (the code <KFACTOR>).

K-Factor in the Bend Note (CZ version shown)

Similary you can add K-Factors to the Bend Tables.
100% *  CAD 
13.4.2008    10845×  
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applies to: Inventor 2009 ·

See also:
Tip 13536:iLogic: How to find if a document is a sheet metal part and if it contains holes?
Tip 13095:How to change material texture orientation in Fusion 360?
Tip 12416:How to export DXF outline of unfolded sheetmetal in Fusion 360, with no bending lines.
Tip 12411:How to wrap text on a cylinder or a general 3D surface in Fusion 360?
Tip 12392:Export unfolds of sheetmetal parts to DXF - parameters for iLogic and VBA

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