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CAD tip CAD tip # 6476:

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How to downgrade AutoCAD, Inventor or Revit?

A - answer There are situations where you would need an Autodesk CAD application in an older version than the version you currently own - just for a specific project (external job, completing an older project, etc.). In these cases you can use the enhanced license conditions you get with the Subscription program.

One of the advantages of the Autodesk Subscription program is the right to use older versions (up to 3 versions older release) of the CAD application you own (e.g. if I own AutoCAD Mechanical 2009, I can also use Mechanical 2006). This applies even when you have never owned that particular older version. If you do not have it, you can download it from your Subscription Center and claim a separate serial number from Autodesk.

Such older versions cannot be used to increase the total number of the licenses you own - you cannot use them concurrently to your current license (e.g. for another user or computer). This right to use older versions is in effect only for the period of validity of your Subscription contract (renewable).

Subscription terms may vary in individual regions and countries.

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13.1.2009    34695×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 13844:With which subscriptions do I get Autodesk Drive cloud storage as a bonus?
Tip 13541:Using Twinmotion from Revit to visualize other types of 3D scenes.
Tip 13539:Revit 2023.1 shows "Twinmotion is not installed"
Tip 13311:How to bulk transfer iLogic rules and forms from Inventor source documents?
Tip 13192:Why I cannot see the "My Insights" tips and hints in AutoCAD?

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