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CAD tip CAD tip # 10636:

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The entity isn't planar to the World Coordinate System and can't be converted.

A - answer This error messgage may appear e.g. in the case when you attempt to convert an "Arc" entity to a Feature Line in AutoCAD Civil 3D. It may be be caused by wrong export of DWG geometry from the Microstation software (the DGN source).

In the arc properties, you can see the line "Normal Z" with the value of -1.00000 instead of the standard 1.00000. You can fix the whole drawing e.g. with the LISP utility Normalize (see Helpdesk > Documents > General), or using the free utility Reset210 (see Download), or with the FLATTEN command (it may change also other values inadverently).

If all this fails, replace the complaining entity with segmented 3D polyline using the Curve2Lin utility.

Error when converting an arc to a feature line
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applies to: Civil 3D · AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 13997:4 methods of 3D orbit in Inventor, with specified pivot.
Tip 12064:3D offset of a surface.
Tip 11726:Loading 3D models in the OBJ file format to AutoCAD.
Tip 11054:Difference volume (3D solid) between two TIN surfaces (sets of coordinates)
Tip 9512:How to convert a point cloud to an editable 3D CAD model (mesh)?

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