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CAD tip CAD tip # 12988:

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Where are Autodesk Infraworks building, road and terrain models loaded from?

A - answer The Model Builder feature in Autodesk Infraworks (part of the AEC Collection) generates geopositioned 3D models of buildings, roads, waterways, water bodies and terrain from a variety of data sources. You can query areas up to 200 km2 (77 sq.miles). The shape of the queried area can be specified from a map as a rectangle or polygon, or its shape can be read from an SHP file.

3D building models are loaded from the open source OpenStreetMap (OSM). Terrain images are read from Bing Maps, terrain elevation data from various sources (depending on the region), e.g. SRTMGL1, ASTER, USGS NED.

Example of data retrieval in the specified area (centre of Èeské Budìjovice):

Note: the Model Builder feature is not available in the older product version Infraworks 360 LT.

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applies to: Infraworks ·

See also:
Tip 13873:How to load GeoJSON data into AutoCAD, Map, Civil 3D, Infraworks?
Tip 13402:Which products and features can I use for free with Flex Token licensing?
Tip 12847:How to make transparent mask for raster maps in Autodesk Infraworks?
Tip 12779:How to export a hi-res image from Autodesk Infraworks?
Tip 12663:How to transfer my project from Infraworks to Revit?

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