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How to import point coordinates from Excel to AutoCAD?

A - answer One of the most frequent questions when processing data in AutoCAD concerns the possibility of reading a list of coordinates from a text file into the form of points, blocks or polyline vertices in an AutoCAD DWG drawing.

While there are several ways to accomplish such task in the full AutoCAD (see e.g. the Import points utility, the LISP utility ASCPoint, XLS2Curve, CSV2Pts, etc.), AutoCAD LT users have had to rely on manual script file creation until now.

Even for them, a simple MS Excel add-in is now available that allows you to import a list of coordinates from an Excel XLS table - e.g., loaded from a CSV file, a database, a web service, a text file, or calculated by formulas directly in Excel.

Download the freeware utility by Arkance Systems (CAD Studio) - CADexcel - from the Download page and run its EXE installer. This will add a new "Arkance" ribbon with an "Export coords" tab to your Excel environment (MS Office versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 365 are supported). There you will find the "Export points", "Export Polyline" and "Export Blocks" functions. Using them, you can easily transfer coordinates from selected cells (select area) or columns (select columns or specify them by number or "By headings") to the script file .scr. Then just drag this file with your mouse into the AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT window, or run it in the AutoCAD environment using the _SCRIPT command.

The add-in takes care of correct formatting, decimal separators and other script file details. When importing blocks, you need to ensure that a block with the specified name already exists in the target drawing (or folder).

CADexcel is also included (together with other tools, e.g. Point export) in the bonus add-on application for AutoCAD LT - CS LT Extension.

Example of using the CADexcel tool:

The add-on is digitally signed and after installation it is automatically updated from the service using the standard .vsto mechanism.

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16.4.2021    63155×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 14093:3D terrain model of any place in Czechia - elevation data by the Czech Land Survey Office (CUZK) into Civil 3D.
Tip 14059:Import coordinates from CSV files into Fusion profiles.
Tip 13692:What is the precision in Revit?
Tip 13333:"Zero length line" warnings or misplaced vertices when importing vertex coordinates from scripts.
Tip 13296:How to correctly load a KML/KMZ file into Civil or Map 3D?

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