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How to run Revit, Inventor or Windows version of AutoCAD on macOS?

A - answer If you are using a Mac (desktop or laptop) with MacOS and you want to run Autodesk Revit or Inventor (applications that do not have a Mac version), or you want to use the unlimited Windows version of AutoCAD (the Mac version has some functional limitations), or its 'vertical' version, you can use three methods:
  1. The Parallels virtualization environment with Windows installed will also support Windows applications on macOS, including Revit, Inventor, or the Windows version of AutoCAD. You will lose a few percent of performance on virtualization (emulation), but the application will be fully compatible.
  2. The Boot Camp environment will allow Windows to run on your Mac. You can then use any Windows application. It will directly use the Mac hardware.
  3. Remote access using "terminal" emulation will allow you to access another machine - (e.g. server, application cloud) running Windows and with CAD applications installed - from your Mac.

On macOS, of course, you can also use native versions of Autodesk applications such as Fusion 360, AutoCAD for Mac, AutoCAD LT for Mac or Maya, plus any cloud-based web applications.

100% MacOS  CAD 
9.2.2023    33352×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 10370:How to record a screencast video from a CAD application?

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