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The default dimension style setting in AutoCAD Mechanical does not "hold", it reverts to AM_ISO.

A - answer I set up my dimension style, click "Set Current", save it to profile, but after restarting AutoCAD Mechanical, it is again set as the dimension style AM_ISO. I have also tried saving as a template, working profile, but none of that works.

Dimension styles in AutoCAD Mechanical are automatically created based on the selected drawing standards (e.g. DIN, ISO). So they are not controlled just by the DIMSTYLE command, but first of all by the command AMOPTIONS. In the Dimensions, Dimension style section, set the option "Base dimension style" to your preferred style - e.g. AM_ISO_myown. Save the settings.

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17.5.2024    1064×  
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applies to: AutoCAD Mechanical ·

See also:
Tip 5790:How to set font (style) for Amnotes, surface texture symbols?
Tip 2714:How to switch between the US and European types of ISO views?

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