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Recoloring of Inventor assembly parts - random, by material, by mass or other property (T4I)

A - answer With the function Colorize in the bonus add-on application Be.Smart T4I (the Be.Smart Labs tab) you can easily colorize (recolor) the individual parts in an Inventor IAM assembly. This makes it easy to distinguish individual components, their materials, authorship, etc.

You can choose between coloring with random colors (each type of part has a different color), colors according to material, volume, mass or other specified property (e.g. author). Colors can be assigned as temporary or you can directly change the appearance of the parts. Additional settings can be found under the Set Colors icon.

See sample:

Be.Smart T4I is a successor of the add-on utility Inventor Tools (X-Tools, Holixa T4I).

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See also:
Tip 14098:How to use arc length parameter in Inventor sketch?
Tip 13917:Check for concurrently running named licenses (device limit).
Tip 13703:How to generate a dynamic QR code or Data Matrix on an Inventor drawing?
Tip 13599:How to read iProperties from Inventor models and drawings in AutoCAD DWGs?
Tip 13513:How to quickly record a video from a CAD application or other Windows program? (replacing Screencast)

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