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CAD tip CAD tip # 8484:

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How to apply material to a single face only?

A - answer Any scene material (from the Material palette) in AutoCAD can be assigned not only to the whole object, but alternatively also to a specific face on the 3D object.

In older AutoCAD versions (2009 and older), right-click on the selected material in the Materials palette and use the "Apply material" function. On the object then select the specific 3D face with the Ctrl key.

In newer versions of AutoCAD (2010 and higher) with the new unified material editor, first choose the requested faces on the 3D object (as sub-objects, i.e. with the Ctrl key) and in the material palette click on the image of the requested rendering material.

Material on face

You can also use the SOLIDEDIT command with the option Face and Material -- identify the face by its edges and enter the name of the requested material.

Another option is the command MATERIALASSIGN; on the "Select objects:" prompt enter Subobject and select the requested face or faces.

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See also:
Tip 13522:LookupXLS - populating DWG texts from Excel spreadsheets.
Tip 12620:All-white display of a 3D model in AutoCAD realistic view.
Tip 12237:UnfoldRS - unfold 3D surfaces to 2D in AutoCAD.
Tip 11909:Using luminiscent materials in AutoCAD 3D scenes.
Tip 11726:Loading 3D models in the OBJ file format to AutoCAD.

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