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CAD tip CAD tip # 14063:

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How to get week day and week number from a given date.

A - answer The AutoCAD DIESEL function edtime can get most date-formatting information from a given date value - see e.g.:

(menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DDDD\",\" D. MONTH YYYY)")

But you cannot get the day of the week (Mon,Tue...) as a number code and you cannot get the weeknumber as per the ISO 8601 through this mechanism.

For these cases you can use the following LISP code developed by Lee Mac:

;; Week Number - Lee Mac ;; Returns the ISO 8601 week number for a given date (defun LM:weeknumber ( y m d ) ( (lambda ( q ) (cond ( (< q 1) (LM:weeknumber (1- y) 12 28)) ( (and (< 28 d) (< 51 q) (< (LM:weeknumber y 12 28) q)) 1) ( q ) ) ) (/ (+ (nth m '(0 0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334)) (if (and (LM:leapyear-p y) (< 2 m)) 1 0) (- (LM:weekday y m d)) 9 d ) 7 ) ) ) ;; Weekday - Lee Mac ;; Returns an integer 0-6 (0=Monday;6=Sunday) corresponding to the day of ;; the week for a given date ;; Implementation of Zeller's Congruence Algorithm (defun LM:weekday ( y m d ) (if (< m 3) (setq y (1- y) m (+ m 12))) (rem (+ 5 d (/ (* 26 (1+ m)) 10) y (/ y 4) (* 6 (/ y 100)) (/ y 400)) 7) ) ;; LeapYear-p - Lee Mac ;; Returns T if the supplied year number is a leap year (defun LM:leapyear-p ( y ) (and (zerop (rem y 4)) (or (zerop (rem y 400)) (not (zerop (rem y 100))) ) ) ) ;; Added by CADforum: get TODAY's values: (setq __today (read (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),\"(\"YYYY M D\")\")"))) (LM:weekday (car __today)(cadr __today)(caddr __today))
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13.3.2024    31738×  

See also:
Tip 13868:XrefStamp - create a dynamic list of xrefs in your DWG drawing.
Tip 13513:How to quickly record a video from a CAD application or other Windows program? (replacing Screencast)
Tip 13459:DWG drawing version history directly in AutoCAD.
Tip 11914:Maze generator for AutoCAD.
Tip 11303:"Clock Error" when starting Autodesk CAD application.

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