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CAD tip CAD tip # 9084:

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Easily convert dimensioned drawing to parameric AutoCAD geometry.

A - answer With the AutoCAD command DCCONVERT you can create a parametric drawing from a plain dimensioned geometry - such drawing is controlled by a table of numerical parameters.

The conversion procedure changing dimensions to parameters is described in a video from the CAD Videos section:

AutoCAD video #51


or on CAD Studio's YouTube channel:

100% *  CAD 
11.2.2013    7682×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD 2013 · AutoCAD 2012 · AutoCAD 2011 ·

See also:
Tip 14248:How to run Dynamo script from LISP, menu or .SCR script in Civil 3D?
Tip 14240:How to simplify an uneven profile imported via DXF into Autodesk Fusion?
Tip 14215:IF statement in AutoCAD text fields and attributes.
Tip 14207:Hatch on path in AutoCAD 2025+
Tip 14204:How to draw a parabola in Autodesk Fusion (or other 2D/3D curves).

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