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CAD tip CAD tip # 7038:

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How to replace some of your blocks with a new block?

A - answer If you need to replace only some instances (references) of the given block with a new block, you cannot use the standard functions for block replacements (BLOCKREPLACE, INSERT, etc.) - these functions modify the definition of the block and so they influence all its references (insertions).

To replace only selected occurrences of the given block in your DWG drawing you can use the free LISP utility CADstudio RIblock - see Download.

The RIblock command prompts for the name of the replaced block (or for picking its sample), you can select the references of this block (to be replaced) and then you specify (by picking or by name) the new block. This new block will replace the selected references of the original block. Possible attributes with the same name (tag) can be automatically transferred from the replaced blocks.

In AutoCAD Electrical, you can also use the AESWAPBLOCK command.

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See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.
Tip 13749:How to add the SEARCH/REPLACE command into AutoCAD Web?
Tip 13522:LookupXLS - populating DWG texts from Excel spreadsheets.
Tip 13311:How to bulk transfer iLogic rules and forms from Inventor source documents?

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