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CAD tip CAD tip # 7171:

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How to set a fixed size for a drawing window?

A - answer For renderings, for screen-captures of your drawings, or other similar actions you may need to fix the size of the document window (DWG drawing) in the main AutoCAD application window. To set the window size to a specified number of pixels (width + height) you can use the following simple LISP code (change the size parameters as needed):
;Sets drawing window size
(setq sizer_actdoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vla-put-width sizer_actdoc 1000);W=1000px
(vla-put-height sizer_actdoc 800);H=800px
Copy the code via copy/paste, or save it to SIZER.LSP and load it with APPLOAD, or assign it to a new AutoCAD menu icon. The function changes the window size of the current document (even a maximized window).

You can also use the interactive version of SIZER.LSP - see Download

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See also:
Tip 14063:How to get week day and week number from a given date.
Tip 14007:Workaround for the missing (vlax-create-object) in AutoCAD LT (voice, clipboard, etc.)
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13933:How to set grid colors in AutoCAD Web?
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.

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