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Import SketchUp files into AutoCAD (SKP-DWG).

A - answer Since AutoCAD version 2013 you can import Google SketchUp models into AutoCAD 3D geometry. But it is not an internal function, it is a free plug-in application from the Autodesk Apps (formerly: Exchange Apps) store.

Run the Autodesk Apps window using the blue "X" (resp. the shopping cart) icon - Exchange - and select the application "SketchUp Import". Install it. This will add a panel to the ribbon Plug-ins.

From this panel, run the icon "Import SKP File" or enter the command IMPORTSKP. Choose the requested .SKP for import and pick the insertion point. If you need to access directly the 3D DWG entities of the imported geometry, first explode the loaded blocks using EXPLODE. SketchUp materials are also converted - to the folder C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2013 - English\R19.0\enu\SketchUpTexture.

The latest version 3.0 support SketchUp .SKP files in the 2014 to 2018 formats.

Example of an imported model:



Conversion logs are written to the file translate.log

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See also:
Tip 12348:Is it possible to import SketchUp SKP files 2013, 2018,2019 or 2020 into Revit?
Tip 10319:Conversion of Revit families to FormIt 360 and back (and SKP to RFA).
Tip 10145:How to import SketchUp 2014 (and higher) files into Autodesk 3ds Max?
Tip 9698:Data formats supported in Autodesk InfraWorks 360.
Tip 9528:Using Autodesk Fusion 360 as a CAD converter.

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