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The Scale lineweights box is grayed. How to scale plotted linewidths?

A - answer The Scale lineweights settings in the Plot dialog is available only in layout (paperspace) plotting.
To scale lineweights while plotting modelspace drawing use plot styles and assign a different plot style table with thinner/thicker pen widths.

Some plotters (drivers) have an option to scale line weights when scaling the plotted output. For example if an existing plot file is reduced to 50% using Océ Print Exec LT or WorkGroups then the pen widths will also be scaled by 50%. HP DesignJet plotter drivers have a similiar setting - 'Keep line width when scaling' - on the driver's CAD tab.
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See also:
Tip 13878:SelectSimilar - extended selections for AutoCAD, incl. LT and Web versions
Tip 13858:Is there also a SETBYBLOCK command?
Tip 12755:How to create a polyline with multi-colored segments?
Tip 12392:Export unfolds of sheetmetal parts to DXF - parameters for iLogic and VBA
Tip 11830:How to influence linetype scale or color for hidden edges in documentation views?

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