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RangeSel - select blocks by the range of their attribute values

A - answer Using the RangeSel utility, you can bulk select block references whose attributes take integer values in a specified range (from-to), e.g. room numbers 112 to 137.

You can download the LISP utility RangeSel from Download, load it into your AutoCAD with APPLOAD and run it by typing the RANGESEL command.

Pick a sample of the attribute, by which you want to select (or specify it by name) and enter the range of searched values. The application selects all blocks that match the criterion.

See example:

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See also:
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.
Tip 13784:Export block coordinates to a table. How to use the DATAEXTRACTION command in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 13769:Connect points by a list of point numbers - PoNum.
Tip 13749:How to add the SEARCH/REPLACE command into AutoCAD Web?
Tip 13604:Importing points from a Shape file as symbols/blocks mapped to object data.

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