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CAD tip CAD tip # 9339:

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When moving one entity, the adjacent entity moves too.

A - answer When you e.g. move a block placed on a line, the line may move along with the block -- most probably there is a constraint between these two entities (objects). These types of constraints may have been created manually or rather automatically. Too many constraints may slow down your drawing. The ar indicated by a blue "double flag" icon when you hover on an entity.

You can remove the adverse constraint with the command DELCONSTRAINT. If you want to avoid creating automatic constraints on related objects, switch off this behaviour with the variable CONSTRAINTINFER (set to 0), or press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+I (see also the first icon on AutoCAD status bar).
100% *  CAD 
16.7.2013    8290×  

See also:
Tip 14088:3 methods of creating true rectangles in AutoCAD.
Tip 13788:Green square - mathematical charade and parametric constraints in AutoCAD.
Tip 13185:Constraining object movement to a specified curve (rail) in AutoCAD.
Tip 12755:How to create a polyline with multi-colored segments?
Tip 12127:AutoCAD slower after obeying the recommendation from DELL Precision Optimizer.

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