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How to add Classic workspace (toolbars) to AutoCAD 2015/2016 and higher?

A - answer Autodesk products in the AutoCAD 2015 (or higher) family no longer contain the predefined workspace "Classic", with toolbars instead of ribbons. But you can easily add toolbar menus using one of the below described methods.

  1. If you migrate from an older AutoCAD version on the given computer, the classic workspace will be automatically migrated to the version 2015 as a part of migration process of user preferences (the migration dialog on the first launch of version 2015)
  2. You can add the workspace "AutoCAD Classic" yourself using the dialog CUI:
    • right-click on Workspaces, choose "New Workspace" and name it e.g. "Classic"
    • in the top-right pane, click on the "Customize Workspace" button
    • in the left tree, check the options (boxes) by "Quick Access Toolbar 1" and in the branch "Toolbars" also the basic toolbars Draw, Modify, Properties, Layers, Styles and Standard - this will transfer them to the new workspace
    • in the left tree, check also the whole branch "Menus" (pull-down menus)
    • on the right, click on the root of the tree ("Classic") and in its properties (bottom) change the "Menu bar" to "On"
    • on the bottom, click on Apply and OK - this will create a new workspace "Classic" with standard toolbars
  3. You can also manually transfer the Classic menu from an older version - in the CUI dialog, click on the Transfer tab, in the right panel open the .cuix file from a previous version (acad.cuix, acadm.cuix, aclt.cuix etc.), select the Classic workspace in the tree and mouse-drag it to the list of workspaces in the left tree. Save changes with OK.
  4. Another option is to switch on the standard toolbars in your current workspace environment (and optionally close the ribbon). You can achieve this with the -TOOLBAR command and its option Show. You can copy the following macro/script and paste it to your AutoCAD command line (by right-click, Paste):
    _-TOOLBAR Draw _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Modify _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Properties _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Layers _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Styles _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Standard _Show
100% *  CAD 
27.5.2014    114208×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 11650:How to add AutoCAD toolbars to AutoCAD Mechanical menus?
Tip 9602:Do you know how to customize your QAT panel?
Tip 8439:How to increase width of the layer control in AutoCAD ribbon?
Tip 8293:Using the context ribbon for creating new arrays in AutoCAD 2012.
Tip 6832:Change your rectangle to a true rectangle.

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