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Hide AutoCAD drawing objects with Ctrl+Alt+H.

A - answer In AutoCAD, you can easily add a keyboard shortcut for quick hiding of selected objects in a DWG drawing. You can either redefine the already consumed shortcuts Ctrl+H (assigned to PICKSTYLE) or Ctrl+Shift+H (assigned to HIDEPALETTES), or you can define a new one, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+H.

This new shortcut can be defined in the CUI dialog. First create (star-icon: Create new command) a new command named "Hideobjects" with the macro (command) HIDEOBJECTS (without ^C^C). From the bottom command list, drag this new command to the upper tree Keyboard shortcuts > Shortcut keys and assign it to a key-combination in the right pane.

Now you can hide objects either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+H and selecting objects, or by grip-selecting objects and pressing Ctrl+Alt+H. A notification that some of the drawng objects are hidden can be found in the icon "Isolate objects" in the AutoCAD status bar. If it is partially blue (highlighted), the drawing contains hidden objects. In the context menu of this icon you can then unhide hidden objects - see the function "End object isolation" or the command UNISOLATEOBJECTS.

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4.5.2015    20771×  
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See also:
Tip 13694:Individual modification of elements in AutoCAD dynamic arrays.
Tip 13561:Beware of "permanently" hidden objects in DWG drawings.
Tip 13452:HideItem - hiding individual items in AutoCAD arrays
Tip 12997:Hiding Revit dimensions smaller than...
Tip 12172:How to show or hide an object in all visibility states?

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