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CAD tip CAD tip # 11244:

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Labels with incrementing numbers - assembly with numbered labels for laser cutting.

A - answer If you need to create a series of incrementally numbered parts, e.g. labels with number markings for plasma or laser cutting, you can use the iLogic macro/rule "GenerujStitky".

By specifying (edit the rule) the start- and end-numbers, and the number format, you can control the user parameter for the relief and so create incrementally numbered copies of the given part (a seried of IPT files).

An example of an IPT part Stitek.ipt (with embedded iLogic rule) can be found in the Block Catalog - see Block 13889

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See also:
Tip 13965:Total length of sweeps in Inventor - wires, pipes, trusses, tubes, hoses (iLogic)
Tip 13766:Edit the Fusion 360 CAM tool library using Excel.
Tip 13408:How to increment the numbers in DWG texts by a specified value, e.g. +1, +10?
Tip 11996:How to rotate selected blocks by the angle of an existing block?
Tip 11404:Operations with attributes inside a block - fields.

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