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CAD tip CAD tip # 3001:

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Can I link drawing numbers to Excel and open them from the Excel document?

A - answer See the sample Excel sheet at (please, change the function name in the third column to match your Excel language version - e.g. '=Hyperlink') where you can include your drawing and project names.

Please note you can use also '//server/share' UNC names and 'http://' or 'ftp://' URL addresses as project roots)

You can also use a more advanced approach with a simple document management system like iPROJECT (see

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See also:
Tip 13891:How to remove personal data from a document (Properties)?
Tip 13227:Reference Explorer - quick analysis of your project or assembly (file size, xref errors).
Tip 13000:Labels of dimensional parameter values in dynamic blocks (parameters->attributes)
Tip 12685:ReLinkField - re-link fields to source objects.
Tip 11898:Automatic schedule - number of blocks in a drawing.

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