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Toolbar buttons are too small for me. Can I make them larger?

A - answer Yes - especially on high resolution screens it may be benefical to enlarge the tool icons/buttons. Use the "Large buttons" option in the Customize dialog (the +CUSTOMIZE 1 command).

In newer versions of AutoCAD use the command +OPTIONS 1 and the checkbox "Use large buttons for toolbars".

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See also:
Tip 13996:Automatic hide for Revit palettes - save screen space (undocumented).
Tip 13822:Fast layer visibility toggle ON/OFF.
Tip 13531:Thumbnails have incorrect size after exporting the BOM to Excel.
Tip 13505:How to find which version of Inventor has saved a file?
Tip 13504:How to add own commands to AutoCAD custom palette?

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