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CAD tip CAD tip # 12347:

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Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.

A - answer When trying to open a DXF file in AutoCAD, an error is reported:

Error in drawing header on line 1.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.
Press ENTER to continue:

This error indicates that the opened DXF file is corrupted (damaged). Common causes are:

  • The DXF file was created by an external application but it doesn't have a proper format matching the DXF specification.
  • The file was created as an export from a corrupted (e.g. non-Autodesk) DWG file.
  • The file was damaged during transmission or during copying.
  • It is not a DXF file, but e.g. a renamed .DWG file.
  • The DXF file was edited in Word.
  • The DXF file is not stored in the ASCII or UTF-8 (w/o BOM) format - it is stored e.g. in the text format encoded as UTF-16 or as UTF-8 with the leading BOM characters.

Try to create the DXF file again or repair it using a text editor, e.g. Notepad, Notepad++.

A typical DXF file (after you open it in Notepad) begins e.g. with this:


The error may be found also on a higher line number - in this case, it is typically a syntax error in the DXF exchange format on the given row. Or the file comes from a higher AutoCAD version than you use to open it. Correct the problem in a text editoru or contact your AutoCAD vendor.

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See also:
Tip 14075:Overview of CAD formats supported in Inventor 2025 (import/export/AnyCAD).
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13800:Visually compare 3D geometry in CAD and BIM files.
Tip 13541:Using Twinmotion from Revit to visualize other types of 3D scenes.
Tip 13274:How to switch the DWG TrueView viewer to the classic user interface, without ribbon?

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