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Do you know how to customize your QAT panel?

A - answer One of the fastest method of starting a frequently used command in a CAD application is placing into the top "quick access toolbar" (QAT). This panel is always visible and easily accessible, independently on the currently displayed ribbon tab.

And the QAT panel is easily customizable so you can add your own favourite commands in your CAD software and work more effectively. How to do this in the individual CAD products?

In AutoCAD (and AutoCAD-based vertical products), there are two ways of customization. The first one is right-clicking on an existing command/icon in any ribbon and choosing the function "Add to Quick Access Toolbar".

The second way allowing mass custmozations, unification of UI an combinations of personal and company-wide customizations is the UI editor - the command CUI. See the tree item Quick Access Toolbar. Just mouse-drag any command from the bottom list upwards to the desired place in the QAT panel list.

There is a similar way of QAT customization in Autodesk Inventor. Click on a ribbon command with your right mouse button and choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar". If you want to add a command which is not yet available in the ribbon (e.g. from the app menu), add it first to the ribbon with Tools > Customize > Ribbon.

Practically identical function is available also in Autodesk Revit - again, just right-click on a command and add it with "Add to Quick Access Toolbar" to your QAT.

And similarly you can add most commands in Autodesk 3ds Max to the QAT. From the context menu of a ribbon command choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar".

The QAT panel can be customized also from running add-on applications in the above mentioned Autodesk products.

100% *  CAD 
11.12.2013    14729×  
applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT · Inventor · Revit · Civil 3D · 3ds Max ·

See also:
Tip 13997:4 methods of 3D orbit in Inventor, with specified pivot.
Tip 9971:Part color is not updated in the assembly - why?
Tip 9895:Missing or distorted parts of the ribbon or QAT panel.
Tip 8439:How to increase width of the layer control in AutoCAD ribbon?
Tip 6962:What functions do not work after switching Inventor to old UI?

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