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Block: PXY_Leader (Annotation)


Leader with point description and automatic XY label values popiska bodu
cat: Annotation
Downloaded: 771x
Size 449,1kB • from 15.09.2013
Uploader: LatCh^ • md5: 591085386ca191d4aa48698d03c9d2b7
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philippe JOSEPH (16.09.2013 7:50:47)
Hello Latch, your file has some problems.
-1- the block inside the file has the same name as the file itself --> no insertion possible.
-2- When a copy/paste is done, the scale of the block is not correct.
I have solutioned the problem by expolding the block, transfered it to 0,0,0 to use the insetion command, modify the unit to millimeter for my use, used the scalelistdelall command and purged it !!!
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