CAD Forum - tips, tricks, discussion and utilities for AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit and other Autodesk products [] ARKANCE | CONTACT - CZ | SK | EN | DE
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Converters CAD conversions, formats, units

Converters of units, CAD formats, calculators and command dictionaries

Conversions On this page you'll find a range of conversion services available on the CAD Forum portal - a converter of physical units, engineering calculator, GPS and mapping converter, an overview of input and output formats in Autodesk products (for converting CAD data), color converter, scale converter, random generator, an online converter STL-to-DWG, or an overview of AutoCAD commands and variables in different languages and versions.

Converters, viewers, calculators

Other online tools

  • AutoCAD web app
    (AutoCAD in a web browser - edit your DWGs anywhere)
  • twiGIS
    (fast and flexible GIS/FM tool by ARKANCE)
  • Tinkercad
    (free 3D web app not only for kids)

Dictionaries and translation databases

Other related links:
AutoCAD as a physical unit converter
Convert CMYK colors to RGB for AutoCAD
Convert HTML X11 color names to RGB and hex
Convert STL files to AutoCAD DWG