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CAD tip CAD tip # 1659:

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How to convert a hidden-line view into lines and polylines?

A - answer There are several tricks to do this:
  • use the SOLDRAW and SOLVIEW commands
  • plot the hidden-line drawing to DXB (or PLT) file and read it back into AutoCAD using _DXBIN
  • use the hidden-line renderer in 3D Studio VIZ
100% *  CAD 
22.10.2001    13580×  
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See also:
Tip 8518:2D views and sections of a 3D solid in AutoCAD.
Tip 4123:How to make standard 2D drawings from AutoCAD 3D solids?
Tip 3030:How to convert a 3D perspective view to a 2D drawing?

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