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CAD tip CAD tip # 3515:

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What are the .TFW, .JGW or .PGW files?

A - answer TFW, JGW, PGW, BPW, EWW, SDW, etc. are the georeference ('World') files for raster images in TIFF (.TIF), JPEG (.JPG), PNG (.PNG), BMP (.BMP), ECW (.ECW or SID (.SID) file formats.

Autodesk Map (or Raster Design or the GeoRefImg AutoCAD utility) can use these 'World' files directly to place the inserted raster images automatically.

A TFW/JGW file has the same filename as the main image file. It uses a textual (ASCII) format - e.g.:

1.50000000000000 (X scale, pixel size in meters)  
0.00000000000000 (affinity - Y-scale in X dir.)  
0.00000000000000 (affinity - X-scale in Y dir.)  
-1.50000000000000 (Y scale)  
1934001.50000000000000 (X coordinate of the upper left pixel)  
1187698.50000000000000 (Y coordinate of the upper left pixel)  
TFW file can be created also automatically - see the IWORLDOUT command in Autodesk Raster Design product or the latest versions of GeoRefImg.
100% *  CAD 
5.1.2004    96279×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD Map 3D · Raster Design ·

See also:
Tip 14106:Printing of the underlay map with a light background.
Tip 13512:How to open Google Earth directly in your AutoCAD window?
Tip 13421:The MAPIINSERT command does not offer a georeference (data from the world file)
Tip 13234:How to place a GeoTIFF image automatically into the correct position?
Tip 12914:Geo2GPS - GPS or UTM coordinates or web map from any coordinate of an AutoCAD DWG (Google Street View).

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