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Delayed xref change notifications - exclamation icon.

A - answer The icon - a yellow triangle with an exclamation sign: Xref notification

indicates a change (update) of an attached xref. This notification can be supressed using the XREFNOTIFY variable.

This notification may be delayed against the real change of the related xref file. This delay (the poll-interval for detecting changes) is controlled by the environment variable XNOTIFYTIME. Its value in minutes can be set through Windows system settings or with the setenv command - e.g.:

(setenv "XNOTIFYTIME" "3")  
(sets the interval to 3 minutes)
100% *  CAD 
28.4.2009    6844×  
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See also:
Tip 10406:Setting the bubble notification timeout in AutoCAD.
Tip 5959:How to suppress the statusline baloon notifications?
Tip 3104:How to shorten a delay in notification of Xref updates?

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