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CAD tip CAD tip # 9149:

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Total area of selected regions or hatches (by layer) - AddArea

A - answer With the free LISP utility CADstudio AddArea you can easily summarize the total area (acreage) of all selected polygons, regions, hatches, circles and other drawing objects with the "area" property in your current drawing.

The areas are also grouped by layers. Optionally, you can export the results to a SDF text file or to the Clipboard. You can also list individual values (areas). The number of decimal places depends on the UNITS command.

Sample output:

0 118.1143
WATER 3010.72
You can download the AddArea utility from Download. Then run it with the AddArea command.
You can use LISP variables to control the format of text output:
(setq AddAreaNoSub T) ; suppress subtotals
(setq AddArea3rows T) ; layer in 3 rows
(setq AddAreaNoFile T) ; no export to SDF file
(setq AddAreaDecimals 4) ; set decimal places (LUPREC by default)
(setq AddAreaObjTypes "HATCH,LWPOLYLINE") ; filter selection to just these object types
(setq AddAreaSortSub T) ; sort detailed areas from the largest
(setq AddAreaClipMode 1) ; output results to Clipboard (1=incl.layer name, 2=just areas)

Spaces in layer names are replaced by "_".

We offer a similar utility for lengths - see AddLen.

100% *  CAD 
15.3.2013    27193×  

See also:
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?
Tip 13040:iLogic - display information about complexity of an Inventor part.
Tip 9185:Fix problem of Areas on self-intersecting curves in AutoCAD 2013.
Tip 8677:Associative DWG table of line length totals (by layer).
Tip 7916:Searching for hatches with missing Area property.

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