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How to move a part from parent assembly to existing subassembly?

A - answer To transfer (demote) Inventor parts and components in the hierarchy of subassemblies, you can use mouse dragging in the assembly tree browser. To demote a part to a new subassembly, use the standard Demote function (Tab). You can also mouse-drag elements in the opposite way - up the tree, to "superassemblies".

If you need to demote a Frame Generator component, right-click on it in the assembly tree and select Component > Demote Frame Generator Components. In the "Create In-Place Component" dialog then enter the name of the existing subassembly. The component will be included into it.

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See also:
Tip 13431:"Resource Manager Error" when inserting a Civil subassembly.
Tip 13240:Changing the order of subassembly input parameters in Subassembly Composer.
Tip 13177:How to list Civil subassemblies used in the DWG file?
Tip 12627:How to override weight of an assembly component in Fusion 360?
Tip 9971:Part color is not updated in the assembly - why?

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