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Disabling animated zoom/pan in AutoCAD 2006 (and higher).

A - answer AutoCAD 2006 (and higher) performs the view updates triggered by zooming, or view panning/rotating in a slow, animated manner (so that user doesn't loose the view context).

If you want to change parameters (speed) of this 'soft' zoom or to switch it off completely, use the _VTOPTIONS command, or directly the VTENABLE variable.

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See also:
Tip 14085:JavaScript API support in AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Tip 13997:4 methods of 3D orbit in Inventor, with specified pivot.
Tip 13802:Dual-color hatches in AutoCAD.
Tip 13699:How to synchronize camera orientation in different Inventor views?
Tip 13514:Why does the Power dimensioning command zoom my drawing?

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