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CAD tip CAD tip # 5754:

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How to color or suppress all Xref layers?

A - answer If you want to change color or switch off all layers coming from attached Xrefs, you can use two main methods in the host drawing:
  1. In the "Layer Properties Manager" dialog, click on the predefined "Xref" filter (in the left tree), then right-click in the layer list and choose "Select all". Now perform the requested operation - global color change, layer off, freeze, etc.
  2. In the older AutoCAD versions, in scripts, macros, etc. you can also use the commandline method. Start the -LAYER command, choose the requested operation (e.g. Color change to gray, dim) and on the layer prompt enter: *|* (the xref name 'magic' wildcard). The operation will be performed on all xref layers.
You can also use combined layer filters and wildcards like *ELE*|*, *|WEST*...
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19.9.2007    41493×   FAQ  
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applies to: AutoCAD 2008 · AutoCAD 2007 · AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 14033:Clipping blocks, images, curves, xrefs - everything, into any shape
Tip 13855:DBXscanLayers and DBXscanBlocks - bulk report content of DWG files in a folder.
Tip 13435:Bulk setting of layer properties according to the object in that layer.
Tip 12705:How to disable osnaps for xref objects?
Tip 11868:Open just a part of a DWG drawing - layers, views.

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