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How to use IFC to convert data from/to AutoCAD Architecture?

A - answer AutoCAD Architecture supports the commands IFCimport and IFCexport (resp. AecIfcImport and AecIfcExport, see File > IFC) for loading and saving of files in the IFC exchange format (Industry Foundation Classes). AutoCAD Architecture 2008 is certified for the currently top level IFC 2x3 (IFC2x3).

The export of IFC files differs slightly for DWG files with external references. IFC exports only components of those objects which are On in the Model display.

The import of IFC files creates a structure of linked (xref) DWG files corresponding to the internal structure of the IFC file. If the IfcSite element exists in the IFC file, also the site drawing will be created.

All standard types of IFC objects are supported - like IfcWall, IfcDoor, IfcWindow, IfcStair, IfcCurtainWall, IfcOpening, IfcColumn, IfcSlab, etc.

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See also:
Tip 14114:How to export 3D Solids from Advance Steel to IFC format?
Tip 14075:Overview of CAD formats supported in Inventor 2025 (import/export/AnyCAD).
Tip 14053:Why doesn't my export from Civil 3D to IFC 4.3 export surfaces and solids?
Tip 13800:Visually compare 3D geometry in CAD and BIM files.
Tip 13404:How to import an IFC file in AutoCAD?

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