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Setting snaps (jumps) for inserted or drawn elements in Revit.

A - answer When you insert (windows, doors...) or draw geometry (lines, walls) in Revit, it snaps to a predefined increments structure. A wall is not drawn with an arbitrary length but in 100mm increments (jumps), window is not inserted in an arbitrary position but only in snap-limited places. You can of course also disable this function.

These steps can be set with the Settings > Snaps function. Enter the requested snapping increment values in the "Length dimension snap increments" field (semicolon-delimited list of any length). By default (metric), these snaps are set to the value of 1000 ; 100 ; 20 ; 5 ; of length units. The value used will depend on the current zoom level (scale) - Revit will use the largest value which represents less than 2mm on screen.

Similarly, you can also snap angles (direction).

100% *  CAD 
13.5.2008    8751×  
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applies to: Revit 2009 · Revit 2008 ·

See also:
Tip 13597:How to convert RGB color to Pantone, RAL, AutoCAD ACI, CMYK or vice versa?
Tip 13566:Text size in Revit temporary dimensions.
Tip 13513:How to quickly record a video from a CAD application or other Windows program? (replacing Screencast)
Tip 13485:Multi-line keynotes in Revit.
Tip 13379:Revit failing on machines with multiple graphics cards.

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