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CAD tip CAD tip # 4191:

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Fail to create CommCntrClientSink object!

A - answer This error may be a result of other errors or of a missing or damaged DLL file (hardware/communication problem, virus, antivirus interception...). Or an important Registry item was deleted. Or you have not enough user rights to access the Registry.

To solve this problem: as a Power User or Administrator, perform a Repair installation of your CAD product - in Windows Control panels, go to Add/Remove Programs, select the application to repair, click on Change and select Reinstall/Repair.

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See also:
Tip 13683:Limitations of the LISP language (AutoLISP, VisualLISP) in AutoCAD LT - what to watch out for
Tip 13216:Internal CAM kernel error in Fusion 360.
Tip 13180:FDO connection to a WMS service fails with "Connection failed"
Tip 12900:When attempting to print, my PC fails to BSOD with APC_INDEX_MISMATCH
Tip 12532:Error when inserting standard part - Modeling: Failed to insert a part into assembly!

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