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Dynamic annotation on dynamic blocks.

A - answer Since AutoCAD 2006 you can use dynamic blocks with attributes containing computed (dynamic) text (content).

In the dynamic block editor (BEDIT) use the "Define attribute" icon (or the ATTDEF command) and in the attribute value definition click on the icon "Insert field". In the field category select Object > BlockPlaceholder and in the properties list select the requested (watched) geometrical property of the block. You can add more parameters to the properties list (including lookup parameters) with the Parameter function (BPARAMETER) in the block editor. Such user defined named parameter will be added to the block properties list. You can also define the display format for the computed attribute.

After you insert the block this attribute (text field) will be dynamically updated on any edit of the block reference which changes its geometric properties. (use ATTSYNC to update existing block references)

100% *  CAD 
3.1.2006    30769×  
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applies to: AutoCAD 2006 ·

See also:
Tip 14088:3 methods of creating true rectangles in AutoCAD.
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13878:SelectSimilar - extended selections for AutoCAD, incl. LT and Web versions
Tip 13868:XrefStamp - create a dynamic list of xrefs in your DWG drawing.

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