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CAD tip CAD tip # 6187:

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Windows shutdown is very slow.

A - answer Symptom: When you power-off (shutdown) your operating system, it takes minutes to complete the shutdown.

The is usually caused by a registry setting or by problems with terminating a system service or a driver.

First check the security setting for clearing Windows paging file - this setting controls whether Windows overwrite the paging file with zeroes on shutdown. If you do not need such security level, switch off this option in the Registry with REGEDIT: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management - set the ClearPageFileAtShutdown item to 0 (and restart your system).

Another cause of such delays can by terminating network-oriented services (SQL, IIS...), antiviruses or some network drivers (e.g. Dell WLAN).

100% Vista,WinXP,Win2000  HP 
26.6.2008    8727×  
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See also:
Tip 13819:Position and docking of the Measure palette in Inventor 2024.
Tip 12131:Error: no function definition: VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT or VLAX-VLA-OBJECT->ENAME
Tip 11145:AutoCAD: Customization file load failed.
Tip 10918:How to avoid (disable) automatic restart after Windows Update?
Tip 10658:How to open a R/O DWG without the read-only warning?

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